Bilik Premium Lelaki Sewa Sekitar KL

- Condominium
- Master Bedroom
- RM300
- Yes
- Jan 2024
- Male
- 1000
- 3
- 1
- 2
- 1
- Not Required
- 0
- Fully Furnished
- Malay
- Air Conditioning | Ceiling Fan | Internet Access | Cooking Allowed | Refrigerator | Washing Machine | Water Heater | Private Bathroom | Shared Bathroom | Cleaning Service Provided | Laundry Service Provided | Gymnasium Facility | Swimming Pool | Playground | Surau | 24-Hours Security
- Near Bus Stop | Near KTM | Near LRT | Near MRT | Near Laundry | Near Convenient Store | Near Supermarket | Near Shopping Mall | Near Food Court | Near Cafe/Restaurant | Near Clinic/Hospital
Bilik LELAKI di Condominium Plaza Rah Kg Baru, KL dan Sekitar KL
Kekosongan masih ada jika iklan ini belum dipadamkan
Harga bilik bermula RM300 seorang
Syarat Penyewa :
1. Tidak merokok dalam kawasan rumah
2. Pembersih
3. Golongan bekerja atau pelajar atau intern.
4. Untuk sewaan masa singkat atau jangka panjang
5. Tahu hormat rakan serumah
Berminat? Klik link whatsapp : atau hubungi 6011 5666 6495
- the landlord of the property